Sunday 27 September 2015


-Originally I had planned on making my mask as a three dimensional object that would fit onto rather than in front of some ones head.
-However due to being over ambitious with regards to the size of the mask and my own abilities at making three dimensional objects I decided to opt instead to go for a flat mask.
-So as to make the surface of the mask more interesting I added some subtle dimensional features such as half ping pong balls for eyes and raised layers of card for both the brow line and nose.

-When adding colour I chose to use acrylic so as to give a flat/solid tone
.-The majority of the mask I simply left monotone for two reasons.
-From an aesthetic point of view much of what I wear is simply white/grey upon black and therefore to have it match may create a more dramatic final image.
-Conceptually I intended it to convey the duality of where I've come from and where I am now/wanting to go.

-As a little joke on the side I decided to make a second mask from the offcuts of the first.
-It was intended to represent the confidence and skill I want to gain from the course as well as living independently away from my home city.
-Therefore I followed the same basic rules of composition and colour but reversed the layout maing the bottom half of the face the focal point.

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