Tuesday 6 October 2015

Brush and Ink Drawings

Ink and Repetition

-The use of ink helps imbue both confidence and purpose in mark making.
-This is because it forces you to take risks with, as well as think about where you place your lines/marks due to the inability to erase.
-The process was difficult to adjust to at first but as with previous sessions of observational drawing the more you do the more your confidence increases.
-Another useful lesson learnt was therefore to repeat the process of drawing out the same image over and over again.
-This is so as to further increase your understanding of its form through what you see and therefore be able to translate what you see onto paper in a much more successful way.

Drawing from Reference

-Whilst similar to observational drawing there several main differences I found with he process of drawing from reference.
-Firstly the images are static. This makes the process easier in some ways as it is easier to see the detail and begun to understand the form of would be moving forms such as the human figure. 
-This is a double edged sword in that it also means you can't take a closer look/view the object/form from other angles or within other movements.
-In other words you are restricted by the quality and composition of the photograph.
-However the fact that you can view and draw images that you can't necessarily experience from observation makes it of major importance. For example the images I chose of a woman half submerged in what appears to be the middle of the ocean.
-This is because it means when responding to brief that require you to draw a more adventurous subject matter you still have away of researching and understanding its form.

Drawing from Observation

-As previously mentioned the ability to view an object in physical space helped to understand and translate it on to paper.
-Observing and drawing plants was particularly useful in helping build up confidence with ink, line work and general mark making.
-The flowing organic form of roots/leaves/stems/etc forced you to try and translate this on to paper strong, gestural lines that followed and described the shape of the plants.
-Through repetition of drawing this helped created a better understanding and quality of line which can be transferred to the process of drawing any object/figure/form. 
-As with previous experiences with observational drawing I soon found myself locked into the process with each completed drawing making me want to complete another so as to further my progression.
-I feel this is mainly due to the difficulty/challenge drawing from observation and reference pose which in turn leads to the unending pursuit of creating drawings I feel personally satisfied with.

(apologies for poor photographs of bottom images, will re photograph when in studio)

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