Tuesday 20 October 2015

Study Task 1: A-Z Typology Poster

Initial Ideas

-At first it seemed easy to respond to the brief having come up with over ten potential ideas for lists within the first studio session.
-However once I began to actually flesh out and develop the lists it became more difficult.
-This is mainly due to the difficulty in producing an idea that fits the brief as well as being both visually and conceptually engaging to a viewer.
-For example one of my ideas was to produce an A-Z of rappers. Although this may appeal to some people, the idea it self felt very conceptually stagnant due to its lack of depth.
-Visually I tried to solve this problem by adding a level of depth through including personal opinion and knowledge of the subject. This came in the from a trialling a top trumps type presentation of the rappers listing various statistics for each one.
-Ultimately I felt it was still too boring as I concept so decided not to proceed further with it.

-However, there were other ideas I had which were much more engaging and inventive but decided not to go with due to the difficulty in visually communicating and presenting them within one A2 poster.
-For example my list of reasons for being late. The idea being to have more realistic reasons at the begging and have them progressively getting more and more absurd as the poster went on.
-The reason I liked this concept was due to it being relate ability/mundane in the first half juxtaposed against the absurdity of the second half.
-Although many of the ideas produced for this list would have worked as stand alone images, I decided not to further pursue this list due to a lack of consistency between the images that I felt wouldn't work on the given format.
-However in hindsight I realise, had I produced more images and roughs for the idea I may have been able to reach a solution visually.

-In general had I not followed certain restrictions that I had unconsciously imposed on my self, such as the need for each potential list I drew out to have a idea for each and every letter and instead just drew out more and more sketches/ideas I would have produced more interesting and engaging work.
-Part of this I feel was due to my own hang ups about whether or not an idea/or drawing is good enough. This is something I really need to shake off as soon as possible as I feel it will soon begin to seriously impede my creativity and progress on the course.

Development of Chosen Idea

-In the end I decided to produce a list based on people/archetypes you would run into on a night out.
-Although still not overly deep I chose it due to the amount of playfulness it allowed for both conceptually and visually.
-Furthermore it allowed me to draw from my own experiences to produce something I thought would be engaging with a wider audience, particularly people of my age group.
-When during out the characters I tried to be as imaginative and play full as possible with each character.

-Where I wasn't happy with either the initial idea behind a character or simply the aesthetics of it I drew it out again.
-I felt this would create something more engaging conceptually as well visually create more movement within the piece.
-With my colour choice I decided to use a cold/deep blue. This is due to the fact that are often used when illustrating scenes set after dark.
-I tested the colour scheme out by redrawing characters in blue ink. The reason for choosing ink was its versatility as a media such as the ability to create different tones through the application of water as well as the variety of different marks you can make due to different pressure, dryness, brush type.

Final Outcome

-For the final out come I chose to display the vignettes in a composition lacking in uniformity. 
-This was initially due to the difficulty in placing all the characters next to each other in an even fashion due to there varying sizes/shape.
-However the tension this created within the poster I felt mirrored the chaotic nature of a night out/town after dark thus reinforcing my concept.
-In hindsight though producing more than one poster may have served to further enhance my final composition.

-Conceptually I felt my poster had some strength
-This was mainly achieved through its humorous critique of modern club culture. Much of which I felt was self depreciative as, although I wouldn't want to admit it I am sure I have been several of the characters depicting within the poster. This is a sentiment I am sure would be shared by many which I feel gives the poster further strength in the eyes of the viewer.
-However I still felt it lacked the depth and playfulness of other poster produced for the brief. When tackling future briefs I will try and resolve this by both creating more initial ideas, backed up with research, drawing and writing, as well the creation of more roughs/ways of visualising my final images/ideas. 

-My poster was reasonably well crafted with quality of line as well as use of tone/colour being parts I was particularly pleased with.
-However I feel the media a used/the way in which I applied it was a rather safe option. 
-Had I applied ink in a different way, such as being more gestural/creating more experimental textures,  or used different media such as paper cut or lino I feel I could have produced a more exciting and interesting final piece. This is something I will bear in mind when tackling the next brief.



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