Wednesday 30 December 2015

Group work continued: Deciding upon a narrative

In contrast to the previous day of fun, actually deciding upon and developing a narrative was far more difficult. This was for two main reasons.
Firstly as discussed in the last post I, as well as other members were under whelmed by our experiences of the day before and nothing in  particular stood out as an amazing, engaging and interesting narrative. This led to some embellished versions of experiences from the day before such as pigeons descending upon and engulfing a man, a statue coming to life as well as more mundane such as getting a drink at a bar and buying a hot dog.
The second reason for the difficulty was that, given that there was no stand out story it was hard for everyone to agree on one story. There was a tie between the pigeon story and that of the hot dog and in the end we went with the hot dogs as it appeared a lot of the year group was already creating narratives that revolved around pigeons.

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