Wednesday 30 December 2015

Visual Narratives Introduction: Group Work

We were put into small groups and given the task of going out into the city of Leeds in order to document what we see around and try and stumble across any number of unexpected stories and experiences. A short list of 20 incredible tasks was given to us to complete so as to try and speed up this process. In response to this we would then have to produce a short visual narrative presented in the format of a screen printed hot dog book which would be produced together as a group.
Bellow is a collection of the more significant moments of the day.

Hot dogs from the German market. Along with mustard and ketchup 'teets'.

Multiple photos of us posing in front of statues whilst pretending to be them. Strangely enough the couple pictured below stopped to comment on how beautiful I looked whilst posing in front of the Henry Moore statue outside of the Leeds City Art Gallery which I guess is nice to hear.

Scarf left on railing with signs saying not lost but intended to be used by those in need. Noticed this type of thing is becoming more common as I have seen a fair few scarfs and even umbrellas left around Sheffield during cold and wet weather.

Leeds has an abundance of both pigeons and creepy dolls. The former of which tried to swarm Kieran whilst he so kindly fed them.

As well as doll's, I also find wigs and manikins insanely creepy. Going into a wig shop was somewhat surreal and unnerving to me and reminded me of that terrifying seen in the return to oz with rows upon rows of heads stolen by the evil queen.

Molly and Hayley sporting a pair of fabulous wigs, note wigs lose much of their creepiness when on the head of a real person.


Pound items bought from the market and posed in various places. The man in the top picture is far too grumpy for someone playing an accordion.

Photo of us all trying various drinks, some of which were nice, other's such as the house speciality far stranger.

Encountered various strange foods in the Asian super market with these two being the highlights. The braised eel for the packaging and the vacuum packed ducks stomachs for the pure feeling of repulsion they inspire within you when looking at them. Unfortunately I have to admit I wasn't brave enough to try either of them.

Although the day was fun actually finding an interesting story proved very difficult. When looking back upon the highlights of the day nothing strikes me as being overly interesting or engaging. In particular throughout the day it proved hard to get people to fully engage with us or, if they did it didn't always result in any particularly interesting information being given. However I do see that the main purpose of this task was simply to get us to observe, record and respond to the world around which I realise is something that is invaluable to anyone hoping to be a creative practioner.

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