Thursday 31 December 2015

Group: Screen Printing/Final Outcome

 I wasn't overly happy with the final out come mainly due to colour choice. We went with red and yellow so as to represent the mustard and ketchup given that it was a story about hot dogs. However I felt that the yellow would be two weak when put against red and white. I think this is true of our final outcome with parts that were meant to be in orange being lost completely as the red simply over powers the yellow.
 However I did really like the double page spread of the child with a hot dog due to the naivety of its style which has really helped convey the sense of childlike excitement in the scene.
Further more, although I'm not a massive fan of my final image, I do like the rough texture the chino graph pencil has given to it.

Although it was the first time I had screen printed I found the process highly enjoyable and relatively easy to pick up although I realise it takes some time to fully perfect. Like previous printing that I've worked with before such as mono, lino and etching I like the fact that you have certain inherent restrictions that are unique to the particular process. Particular I like the fact that you are forced to both problem solve and take risks in order to bend these parameters which often leads to highly original and intriguing out comes. Therefore I hope to make regular use of the print facilities in my next projects.

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