Thursday 31 December 2015

Group Work: Image development

After much deliberation we finally came up with a narrative depicting the purchase of a hot dog. I was given the task of drawing a simple scene showing hot dogs cooking on a grill. Although it was a relatively boring image it was necessary to the story and I was happy to see whether or not I could add some interest to it.
I thought about different ways the colours would act with each other given the restrictions faced whilst screen printing( ie 2 colours. Therefore I focussed on using texture and pattern to make the most of both the overlay of colour and negative background space.

In the end I went for the third image down as I felt it needed the presence of smoke so as to be a more accurate representation of the cooking process and try and convey the smells that were present to the viewer. 
However in hindsight I think this was over complicated and quite difficult to read. To over come this I removed the orange grill the sausages were on leaving them instead sitting on negative space so as to simplify the image.

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