Sunday 14 February 2016

3-D Craft and Lens

This has been by far my weakest submission for the entire visual language module. 3-D craft is one of the aspects of design that I struggle with the most so naturally I panicked a bit for this task and pushed it to the back of my mind until the last minute. This resulted in a very poor final out come. Although the costume it self was not awfully made, the whole chicken boy concept is very different to the work I would usually make and was to an extent a cop out. This was because I knew, due to leaving it until last minute the final photo would look pretty awful so I went for some thing funny rather than investing time in planning in some thing that would have been effective and representative of my own visual language.

In hind sight I should have just tried to craft some thing much simpler to a much higher quality and then planned out the final photo much better. This is due to the fact that the task was about the importance of art direction ( of which there is next none in my final image ) particularly in regards to how location, object and context work together to make a strong final image that concisely conveys a given idea or concept in a way that is much more immediate and universal than more traditional forms of illustration. The below images are a good example of this and how had I just done a simple well thought and and crafted response to the task I could have produced some thing to a similar affect. 

Rita Ikonen

Sarah Illenberger

Displaying Chicken Boy 4.jpg
Displaying Chicken Boy 2.jpg

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