Sunday 14 February 2016

Composition Task 

I drew out various different composition depicting and figure and a stone column within a coastal scene. The use of two distinct vertical elements within a sparse environment I felt would help me to successfully play around with different compositions. 
I chose the second rough for my final image as I though that the line of sight from the man combined with that of the curving land mass would draw the viewers focus to the column in the top right corner despite its small size. The choice of red for the column in contrast to the rest of the picture was meant to further exaggerate this.

However in the end I don't thing this composition is massively successful. This is due to the lack of depth present within. Despite including a for, mid and background, the image looks completely flat which is due to both media choice and the way in which I have drawn the individual elements. Had I varied the tonal value more this probably would have been avoided.

I n hindsight I think the 7th image depicting a figure within the water was probably the best composition and the one I should have gone with. This is because the for, mid and back ground are much clearer giving it a greater sense of depth. Furthermore the composition itself has much more harmony with the column taking much more focus due to both the line of sight of the figure and its size.

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