Friday 21 October 2016

Editorial: 18 developed scamps

After the last feedback sessions I decided to go with the images that best demonstrated the themes of isolation/alienation through extreme far out panning. As well as this I also decided to produce a series of more refined figurative/portrait based images evoking themes relating to memory/warped perceptions of reality and the people around you.
This was both due to how present these themes are within Murakami's work and also because I felt it was a good way to go back to the visceral form of image making/communication that I highlighted when looking at other editorial artists work.

Thoughts and Feedback

-I tired to add in more surreal elements to the swimming pool image so as to better unify it with the themes I am trying to convey as well as give it some more narrative.
-However most of the feedback said that they looked too cluttered, something I would agree with, and that it was more successful in it's communication with the more minimal composition.
-The inclusion of a wake behind the figure however was seen as a good way of adding interest and movement to the image with the surreal aspect coming from the use of two colours.

-People liked the reference to Hokasai's wave as well as the tension and movement within the wave images with the image that was panned out the most being sited as the best in that set.
-However I'm not personally sold on the colours used in it, I feel they're too boring and perhaps not dreamlike enough for Murakami.

-The feedback seemed to overwhelming be in favour of using the ice cube idea as a further development. It was meant to be another way of showing the themes of isolation/alienation given that it is a pice of water that has been separated from a greater body locking the figure inside into his won world.
-However I think the use of ice/frozen imagery adds other connotations to the image that perhaps aren't the most relevant or effective.

-The visceral approach that I wanted from the portrait/figurative images seems to have worked very effectively when reading through my feedback as people have immediately got the concept behind them and written feedback describing an emotional response/strong sense of mood and feeling when viewing them.

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