Thursday 20 October 2016

Zine: Initial direction

I wanted the over atmosphere of my zine to reflect the observations I had made in regards to the problems with the tone and voice of my previous work for this project. Mainly that it needed to be more ambiguous with a focus on trying to create a visceral emotive response in the viewer.

One way I thought of doing this was to use various media, such as ink, charcoal and pastel which has a rougher more expressive and human quality to it. I felt this would help better reflect the feelings and perceptions of the individual characters that lay at the centre of Murakami's work.

Furthermore I experimented with doing extreme close ups of the figures I was drawing. This was both an aesthetic and conceptual decision. Visually I felt it created more dynamic and tense compositions as well as communicating the idea of trying to get to know and understand someone but without being able to, quite literally see the bigger picture that recurs throughout Murakami's fiction as well as crops up through out various interviews I have read with him.

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