Friday 21 October 2016

Editorial Illustration: Final Roughs

It is definitely my favourite of the two landscape ones as I much prefer the layout and composition as it is quite and interesting viewpoint, something that was agreed upon in the crit.

-However given my reflections int he last post I am not sure why I didn't include a wake as this was a good way of adding interest to the image through the use of movement and contrasting colours to give the image a surreal dreamlike feel giving it more conceptual weight.

-Furthermore, although the group liked the colours, I can't help but feel the connotations of having a red liquid are too strongly towards blood and violence, a thought also shared by the tutor.However I do think the use of two colours in the water is needed so when reproducing it I will have to think of what will work best in place of the red.

-Although conceptually I think the tidal wave image is stronger I much prefer how the swimming pool image looks and think that, given how I like to work with bold graphic shapes and texture, I'll be able to transfer it more effectively into a final refined image.

-I included the ice cube image in my final set of roughs due to the overwhelming positive response it got from peers, and once again in the group feedback people seemed quite drawn to it.

-However, given the issues I discussed in the previous post, I really don't want to use it and when discussing the idea with tutors they agreed that the use of ice changed the meaning too much and moved it too far away from the themes/concepts I was trying to convey.

-This has shown me how important it is to take your own opinions/misgivings/feelings about your work into account as well as how important it is to get as many different opinions on your work as possible as some may be completely conflicting/too far in favour of one image/idea.

-For the final two images I think I am going to create the portrait and figurative images as once again the themes seemed to be communicated strongly to the group through this visceral/emotive approach.

-However when I got tutor feedback a few major issues with both the square and portrait images.

-Firstly in the square image although the mood and feeling was working well, a hint of the face or hand would also need to be included to give it some sort of grounding as at the moment it feels too ambiguous.

-Furthermore it was said, and having had time to reflect properly on it I would agree, that the use of jigsaw pieces conceptually seemed too clumsy and compositionally seemed to be fighting too hard against the graphic shapes of the face.

-Therefore when reproducing it as a final I would need to consider simplify fiying the image down by removing these elements.

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