Sunday 3 January 2016

Visual Narratives: Tell an Untold Story
Initial Thoughts

I have decided that I want my visual narrative to be informed by the rural areas that surround the city, Sheffield, that I grew up in. This is due to the impact it has left upon me given the fact that I have spent much of my life, particularly my early years, traipsing through Derbyshire, the Peak district, the Pennines etc. I also feel that these area are often over looked in terms of both there beauty and strangeness in light of more exotic natural areas abroad.
Although at this stage I don't know what my final outcome will focus on I am interested at looking/documenting/drawing landscapes. This is due to the fact that I don't often undertake the drawing of such things and, as highlighted in previous projects, depth within my images as been a real problem and therefore I feel this would be both highly challenging and engaging to me.

                                    ( Bianca Bagnarelli: Say Hi for Me )

                                                         ( Jon Mcnaught )

With this in mind the work of Bianaca Bagnarelli, Jon Mcnaught and  Alessandro all seemed highly relevant to the initial direction i am heading. Although Bagnarelli does have some character work, all three have a focus on depicting landscapes/scenes that seem to be simultaneously immense and sparse creating a sense of solitude and wonder within the scenes. In particularly I like how Jon Mcnaught is able to consistently create this impression even when depicting the most mundane or seemingly insignificant moments.

                                          ( Alessandro Sanna )

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