Thursday 9 March 2017

505 - Applied Illustration
Study Task 1

1 Thing I will take forward from 504
Having completed 504 one of my main downfalls was considering the context of my work, I hope to move this forward in 504 and begin to properly research and understand where and by whom I want my work to be viewed and how I can reflect upon and produce work in response to this.

1 way in which I will push myself
I aim to push the communication aspect of my work even further in 505. Although I think I begun to successfully communicate ideas and themes within my printed pictures work I still have a long way to go to produce work that is both evocative and effective in its communication of my intended themes and ideas.

1 thing I want to achieve by May
Given how much I enjoyed the process of print, particularly screen printing, I aim to further build upon and advance these skills in 505. I now have a strong understanding of two colour print process, particularly with regards to making a third colour and am now interested in pushing my work into 3 or maybe even 4 colour prints something which I had wanted to do for a while but was unable to try given the limitations of the last module.

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