Thursday 9 March 2017

New States Man Article: The Keyboard and the Spade

Physical impact upon ourselves
-use of modern technology has damages our bodies in ways we don't realise
-in hard manual labour its obvious how it effects us but with modern technologies, for example typing we don't realise the damage it does to us, in this case serious tendon damage
-can no longer easily carry out basic tasks of human survival such as cultivating and harvesting food

Environmental Impact
-living in industrialised, mass produced consumer societies we are so far removed from the methods of production that it is hard to do anything without having a negative impact on the environment.
-in the example given by the article, simply using tools bought from a shop, ultimately produced in and shipped from a factory on a different continent, would have had a more detrimental impact on the environment than the good they tried to do by planting a saplings

Nature of human development
-argues the idea of technology is a recent thing (post 1800s), although we have used tools for 1000s of years these were seen as nothing more than a sum of their parts
-technology on the other hand it argues is a 'living force' which actively controls our destinies
-this is due to technology being a 'systematic order' of tools which take over functions previously carried out by humans
-due to this we now have a vast and delicate network or 'technological web' upon we now which rely to carry out our day to day lives
-there is a symbiotic or dependent nature between us and technology

-begins to talk about the theory that at some point technology will surpass human intelligence creating a new phase of human development/evolution
-will be able to augments body parts to expand day to day functions and even our mental capacities
-theoretically virtual reality will reach a point that we will be to discontent from the real world completely

My thoughts on the article
Although the last part of the article relating to the theory of the technological singularity was very interesting, visually I am more interested in exploring the idea of human dependence on technology. This is due to my own personally feelings on technology given that I am something of a Luddite and perpetual worrying leading to an often more negative and in some ways backwards view on the potential effects of technology.
I find the idea of technology now being self perpetuating in that we are now so dependent on it that we can't help but further it particularly interesting if not a little frightening.

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