Thursday 9 March 2017

New Scientist Article: The High Cost of Being Digital

Quote from former CEO Google about their aims in relation to data collection and analysis:

“we know more or less what you are thinking about”. This would offer a “new future [in which] you’re never lost… never lonely… never bored… never out of ideas”

Main Points:
-aspects of are online lives are being collected and analysed so as to further the effectiveness of websites/search engines/products etc.
-this has ultimately impacted upon the way in which we interact with online information and technology
-has led to a fundamental shift in our experience of the world
-huge shift to products and services that focus on convenience, ie Amazon Prime, Contact less Payment, Netflix etc

- this has led to a backlash/fear that data companies now have to much of an impact on the more intimate choices of our day to day lives
-also that too much of what we do is being monitored and analysed for the sake of increasing the profits of big business rather than for our own benefits

My thoughts
The ideas discussed in this article relate quite nicely to those in the New States Man article. This is in that the main focus here is that we are no longer seen as individuals but nearly numbers and statistics to be analysed and evaluated to further develop the technological world.
However in the previous article this more expressed in something outside of human control, that technology itself was becoming its own entity, where as in this article it takes a more Marxist standpoint in that it is more saying we are being used to further the interests of big business than technology itself.

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