Thursday 9 March 2017

Initial Ideas

Having decided to go with the editorial branch of applied illustration I need to think of a specific subject matter on which to base my work. This needs to:

- something I am strongly interested so as to effectively engage with it
-have enough depth to produce a sustained, developed and fully realised project in response to
-not be too vague or overarching so as to result in and unyielding project which I cant realistically complete - this is something I need to particularly bare in mind as at time in 1st year I over thought certain modules and aimed to explore subjects/themes that I realistically couldn't within the space of time we has

With all this in mind I am thinking of looking into the effects of technology on modern life. This is something I have a strong interest and think that there is a lot of articles/information being written upon it at the moment given its relevance in age of smartphones/internet/social media etc.

Furthermore there are a lot of different strands for me to research with regards to this such as effects on social interaction, jobs/work, memory/attention etc alowing for a lot of depth of research but at the same time allows for me to be able to hone in on something specific.

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