Thursday 9 March 2017

Huffington Post Article: Why Social Media Isn't social

Main Points:

Social media as a mask
-make your life seem much better to others than it actually is
-often takes the form of bragging but can morph in to straight up lying
-creates unrealistic expectations of our selves and others
-cultivates a culture in which constantly check upon what others are doing and worry about how others perceive us

Social Media/Internet Animosity as a shield
-anymosity of the internet allows people to make unfiltered opinions/abusive comments without fears of repercussions
-allows us to avoid/simplify difficult conversations or problems we face in our day to day lives in a way which is unproductive and often harmful
-ie can ignore an important text or call, scroll through your phone in social situations, send passive aggressive messages etc
-ultimately leads to a break down in communication by skirting real life interaction for an easier alternative

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