Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Development of Final Images

Given how editorial image making has evolved with technological developments, such as the use of online formats, I thought it was essentially for at least one image from each format, vignette and full bleed, to be animated as simple gifs so as to increase their impact when viewed digitally.

With this in mind I decided to animate the bed image and weeping angle vignette given that I felt they would be the most effective to animate. Simple animations would also be required so as not to buffer/fail to load when viewed online, particular on mobile devices where internet connections may be limited/slower than that of computers/laptops being used at home.

The erratic timing of the moving elements has really heightened the disquieting atmosphere of my images showing how moving image can be used to further enhance the communication of a still image rather than change it.

I particularly like how out of sync the two lights in the above image are, only staying lit simultaneously for a very short time, so as to further enforce the feeling of loneliness and separation the two figures have from one another despite sharing a bed.

In the below image the moving image has added to the overall creepiness of the image further reinforcing the personification of the object that had been achieved in the still image by having it peering through the plant. This has further added to the paranoid/anxious atmosphere I wanted to convey when dealing with editorial images relating to the Weeping Angel software.

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