Monday 8 May 2017

Development: Roughs
Alternate Concepts: More Positive Imagery

Following on from the crit I decided to rough out a few designs focusing on more positive aspects of technology, mainly how it can bring people together when separated by geographical boundaries. I think the bottom two images are the most effective at communicating this with the image on the left being particularly strong by using tonal variations to create the notion that the two people are speaking despite being separated by living in different time zones. I particularly like how this is a subtly abstract way of communicating this idea.

Although visually I like the image of the dad reading to his kid I think he could possibly be mistaking for a ghost which would completely alter the intended communication conveying notions of death and the supernatural.

I also think the intended meaning of the couple holding hands is also slightly skewed by how I've drawn the image. Although it is meant to be the same visual motif as the bottom left image, with tonal variation being used to depict their living in different time zones, it instead looks like an article about race and marriage which isn't my intended communication at all.

Thoughts On This Direction

Although I think it is beneficial to try out as many different avenues of an area of research when responding to a brief I still think I am going to stick with further developing the more angst ridden images I had create previously.

This is because this module is meant to focus on creating a personal response to our given area of illustration and with this in mind I think it is important to communicate my own opinions with regards to how I respond to my research.

This is due to the fact that when doing initial research into the editorial illustration industry, personal opinion of the illustrators was highlighted as an important factor when creating effective and engaging responses to briefs.

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