Monday, 8 May 2017

Development of finalised images


Given that I had begun to produce roughed out versions of images that I was happy with both in terms of concept and composition I thought I should start figuring how I would translate them into final images.
As I want the images to work as screen prints and if possible have a similar aesthetic I decided to use a similar process as to the one I used to create my final images in 504. Therefore I drew out my final images at a larger format and outlined them with pencil crayon so as to give the edges of the shape that nice rough, analogue looking aesthetic even when they were refined digitally.

Once on screen I begun streamlining the process I had started using in 504 where by I filled in the different areas of the shape digitally using duplicates of the layers to help add in or subtract areas where a different colour is needed. However this time around I create a new layer for each individual shape within the composition that allowed for me to edit things a lot more quickly and effectively.


Although I am happy with the final sketches, once I filled them in on screen I was really un happy with them. I think colour is a major here. Given that I wanted them to have the appearance of a screen print I was keen to give the impression of a 3 colour print with over lays. However I think I need to try out different colour pallets as I think the above palette is far too garish.

Furthermore I realise some palettes may work for the full bleed images but not the vignettes I create and vice versa. Therefore I need to come up with a flexible pallet that works for all my images, regardless of format.

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