Monday, 8 May 2017

Development of Finalised Images

Having highlighted colour as a major issue with the final images that I had developed I spent a long time trying to figure out which colour pallets worked both visually and conceptually.

Immediately I think the reds convey the wrong atmosphere and message. This is because of the association with either love or murder which distorts the communication of the images dramatically. Even though the bottom set of images explores relationships this sin't in a romantic sense with technology in fact being depicted as be a dividing factor. Therefore I feel that red is definitely the wrong choice for my images.

Of those showed above I this the most striking visually are the bottom left in both grids as well as the top middle and top left. However in terms of communication the top two colour palettes down communicate my intended message/atmosphere. For example I think the middle colour palette is far too vibrant and cheerful taking away from the anxious and eerie mood that I am trying to create. Furthermore I feel that the top left is too dark creating something that is overly sinister and has an almost horror like feel to it. This is due to the association of danger that you get when viewing black and yellow together.

Reasoning for Chosen Palette

Therefore the colour palette I have gone with is that of the muted purples and blues. Although you could still screen print it, the proposed overlay over lay of the middle blue and dark purple to create a light purple is more subtle and less garish than that of the yellow/blue to make green that I had originally tried. Further more the purple gives the images a really ephemeral, eerie and quite otherworldly feel which I think helps reinforce the desired atmosphere that I have highlighted in previous posts and research into practitioners.

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