Monday 8 May 2017

Refined Roughs

Keen to start on my final images I decided to begin by thoroughly developing my strongest design, that of the couple in bed, so as to get a better grasp as to how my roughs will scale up and translate into final images.

Here I have used the roughing process to tidy up and iron out and defects within the compositions. Given that I usually create quite bold and reductive imagery, something that has been highlighted as a strength in the crits for this module and others I usually try and boil the image down to as few key elements as possible.

I feel this helps maximise the impact and communication of an image by trimming away any unnecessary details.


Although I prefer to develop colour palettes on screen due to the range of colours available and flexibility of application that Photoshop allows I have tried some initial tests within my sketchbook. However this is more so as to gage how the different areas of the image will work with regards to tone. 

In terms of communication I am not fully sold on these colours as I think they are perhaps a bit too vibrant however visually I think they help break down the image very successfully giving it a very dramatic overall composition visually. However I do definitely need to work on this preferably on screen so as to work faster and more effectively with colour.

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