Monday 8 May 2017

Industry Research

Highly conceptual with short deadlines therefore must be

-Thought provoking
-Fast paced
-Translate/communicate complex concepts in a way that is both clear and succinct
-Must be engaging: doesn't necessarily need to illustrate an article exactly but give the reader enough of an idea of what it's about so as to entice people to read further
-Can communicate and say more than what a photo can due to imagination/viewpoint/opinions of the illustrator
-Research is essential to making informed and interesting responses within the context of editorial


-The Association of Illustrators sells 'The Edittorial Directory' online listing all companies that commission editorial work
-Art directors like to see a range of work and a social element being used to show work: ie instagram has become a major base for gaining commissions

Range of Work

-Newspaper/websites, usually broadsheets such as The Observer, The Guardian and the Times; important to bare in mind that the political leanings of these papers will effect what they commission
-Lifestyle magazine such as Frankie and Menshealth. This is either used to give the magazine a distinct visual identity as is the case with Frankie or as informative/instructional illustrations in Menshealth. In the latter case illustrations can be more useful than photos as they can be more simple and clear in what they are telling you to do.
-Illustrate subject matter that can't be photographed such as complex scientific theories or concepts as is the case with many articles in New Scientist.

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