Monday 8 May 2017

Development of Final Images

I felt that another thing missing from the two final images I had created was textural elements. This is because I feel that adding texture would take away the harsh, overly clean digital feel making them feel more human and engaging. Furthermore Given that I had intended for my final images to have a hand printed aesthetic I think trying to recreate print textures digital is essential to working within my own parameters that I set out for this brief.


Initially I have tried simply scanning in screen printed textures and using layer mask along with the multiply blending option to apply a screen printed texture to my final image. However I felt, when applied on screen it looked too much like charcoal rather than print.therefore I decided to go about making my own textures digitally.

I did this by layering up mono printed textures, changing the tone of/inverting some layers so as to build up a a texture comprising of different printed feedback of a variety of tonal ranges. This I then applied to my final images through the use of layer mask and the multiply blending option. This have given my images a much more subtle texture helping to take away from that overly clean digital edge whilst not overly complicated or merging the tones of the different layers as I had found is the case with some textures in 504.

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