Monday, 8 May 2017

Roughs: Exploitation of Technology

Having read into the development of the Weeping Angel Software as well as the prevalence of online fraud I was keen to visually explore ideas of surveillance and theft through the use of personal technology/devices.


With many drawing comparisons between Weeping Angel and the telescreens from 1984 I set about creating a series of roughs eluding to this. Furthermore I have read that I loop whole within the software that uses headphone that they can be used as microphones, picking up audio frequencies as well as giving them off. Therefore I decided to draw some roughs depicting headphones as ears to show how this technology can be hi-jacked and used for malicious reasons.

Although it could be argued that visually these ideas are very over used I think they are also extemely effective in delivering the desired message as well as creating an erie sense of tensions that I want through out my images.

Out of all of them I think the image of the laptop peering through a plant is the most effective as it is slightly more playful visually as well as unsettling in terms of concept due to personifying the computer.

Online Fraud

Some of my favourite images produced this year have been the contorted figures I produced as part OUIL503. Therefore when drawing out roughs relating to online fraud I wanted to amply the same visual aethetic to the visual metaphor of a hand reaching out of a screen and stealing something personal.

Conceptually I was quite determined to develop this from the get go and here I have used roughing more as a tool to figure out composition rather than develop multiple different ways of communicating the same idea.

However I do think I have subconsciously done this given that looking back on the images I think that the best one in terms of communicating the idea is that of the hand reaching out and grabbing a credit card or passport. This is because where as the other images elude to a physical item being stolen which isn't actually possible these two suggest sensitive personal details being stolen through which identity fraud could be committed.

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