Monday, 8 May 2017

Roughs: Social Media as a Distraction

Having decided to persue the more negative aspects of technology I began drawing out roughs in response to the idea of technology and more specifically social media being a major distraction that has reduced our ability to concentrate and has created a culture in which we need everything to be immediate and easily digestible.

The first visual metaphor I played around with was the a figure having tied himself and being incapacitated due to his obsessive use of social media. I think this concept works best as a vignette as the full bleed images don't share the same tense feel of those I have previously produced. I think these image are also perhaps a bit to light hearted in their humour to fit in with the particular tone of voice I am trying to create with this project.

Although in terms of Ton of Voice I think that the images of just the phone work better I think their communication is slightly confused when motifs of musical instruments are added to the mix. This is because although it still conveys the idea of something distracting it immediately makes them feel like they are conveying something to do with music generally.

Therefore out of the all the above roughs the most successful is that of the phone screaming. I can also imagine this translating into a simple gif quite easily and effectively.

Vignettes vs Full Bleed

Although I think in terms of atmosphere full bleed images are more effective I still want to produce some vignettes as part of this project. This is because all of my 504 responses were full bleed so I therefore think it would help broaden visual range. Furthermore within the context of editorial I think it is good to have a range of both types of image. This is so as to allow for a more appealing sense of visual variation coupled with the fact that quite often vignettes can alow for visual metaphors to be used in a more reductive and succinct way to communicate a specific idea rather than an overall atmosphere.

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