Friday 22 January 2016

Final images: Further development

There were a few pages I felt still needed working on rather than completely redesigning. Mainly the inner and outer pages as well as the storyboard/comic strip.
The inner/outer pages felt too dry and, although I wanted them to be quite subtle and understated in their design, they felt far too much like filler. With this in mind I decided to add in a layer of yellow and black acrylic paint dragged through a section of the page much like in my other images.
This did serve to add both visual consistency and intrigue to the images and, as stand alone images I think they do work and tie into the themes of my project.
However when I got them up in Indesign it felt like there was too much going on and that they were slightly too full on for the inner/outer pages. For the final design something more understated with more negative space will be needed.

Although I quite liked the layout of the comic strip which involved predominantly intersecting diagonals rather than squares, aesthetically it felt out of place with the rest of the images within my book. However I didn't want to scrap it as I felt it was of fundamental importance to communicating the themes of my research, especially given the ambiguity of my other images. It seemed important to include it as some sort of conceptual grounding. 
I made slight adjustments to the figures as I already quite liked the composition and pacing of the panels, particularly the close up of the hands. Despite this it still seemed out of line with the rest of the images so once again I tried to draw in elements of yellow and black paint to give it more consistency with he other images.

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