Thursday 21 January 2016

Movement and Industry

Reacting against my last images I tried to create a series of more abstract images drawing upon the industrial heritage of the cities, such as Chicago, Detroit, Sheffield, Leeds etc, that have featured heavily within my research. This was so as to show this sense of movement and energy in a context that seemed both further rooted in my research as well as a way which seemed like less of a cliché.

I liked the concept behind this first image of workman crafting a block of seeming nothingness into a refined solid shape and how this could be used ambiguously to describe both how electronic music is made and the context behind it. However The execution is pretty poor. This is mainly due to the fact that I tried using negative space in the form white cut outs to describe the figures. Had it been on something other than a plain white background it might have worked better has where the figures overlap with the darker blocks there is the beginnings of some form of movement.

These next too images were a lot more abstract both in there construction and what they are depicting. They were meant to show figures engaging in acts loosely hinting upon manual labour and heavy industry however I think the abstract nature of their aesthetic has more or less completely hidden this. Maybe I should use a little bit more restraint in regards to the weirdness of my images in the future.
I think visually the more minimalist approach of the above image is a lot more effective although blue would have probably worked better than purple.
Although I do like the textures used in the bellow image, particularly the more subtle shapes and motifs hidden in the teal objects the figures are holding, I think the sheer amount of colour and texture has resulted in it feel pretty overcrowded and hectic.
I should remember in future as I'd already stated previously this project, less is usually more with regards to colour.

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