Thursday 21 January 2016

Too much going on? How to construct a readable narrative

The main problem up until this point with my work is that it's proving incredibly difficult to narrow it down into a straight forward narrative with out losing key themes/content.
I created several mock up books as well as a comic book panel strip to try and see how it may look as I finished product. These focussed on singular aspects of this body of work such as soundscapes, movement and rhythm and the creation of warp records rather than trying to draw all of the various strands together.

After speaking to Matt he agreed that it felt too much like I was dumbing my content down by shutting out key ideas and themes due to trying to create something more concise and foccussed on a singular element of my research.
Therefore he suggested I try and draw together a series of stand alone images that serve to ambiguously communicate the the themes of my research/journey through this module when they're all gathered together.
As well as this he also suggested adding a brief bit of text, perhaps just a small paragraph to give some grounding to what my book is about.

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