Thursday 21 January 2016


In response to my last set of field trips I decided to create a series of images centring around the idea of sounds capes where by I experimented mixing motifs relating to sound, frequencies, wave lengths etc with topographic elements.
I also also decided I wanted process to drive my out comes as much as possible so began to experiment with cut paper, ink as well as pull paint through sectioned off areas of my compositions. This has resulted in a series of work that is quite far removed from more conventional methods of drawing that has forced me to think more about the interaction of shape, texture and negative space.

At the moment I feel the images I have created that more specifically depict and reference the landscapes I have seen (although most of them are not accurate representations of the places I went) have a lot stronger impact than those that are seem to look more directly than sound waves. Part of this I feel is due tot he fact that, much like the drawings I produced at the beginning of this project, they better convey what I was feeling and experiencing at the time rather than simply trying to draw a connection between sound and space.

Furthermore, after experimenting with a few different colour ways, some of which were more complex than other's I have decided to keep it as minimal as possible with a grey scale, yellow and blue colour scheme. This is because I think it is visually a lot more striking than those with more colours contained within, particularly I feel the red image below is rather weak because of this. I also feel the choice of yellow and blue helps best communicate my ideas relating to electronic music/frequencies sound waves/etc whereas the use of grey scale allows certain areas within the compositions to become muted helping break them down into a more readable form.

Once again I have briefly experimented with using digital media to further these ideas. This has involved drawing in topographic elements to represent both geographic contours as well as sonic frequencies.
I have also tried distorting textures taken from photographs of the peaks into sound waves so as to show the idea of music being rooted within the landscape and surroundings it was created within.

Although I do quite like these images and think they do achieve what it is I'm trying convey with my narrative, a certain energy is missing from them that is present within those created with analogue media. Part of this is possibly due to the sterile process used to create them that allows for more 'perfect' shapes/constructions.

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