Monday 4 January 2016

Visual Narratives: An Untold Story
Group Crit

Topics discussed and the main points gathered from the group.

How I made sense of the trip?
-Broad ideas/variety of different points of research that could be explored.
-Made the most of the trip by backing these different angles up with secondary research.

Drawing as a research tool?
-However this helped captured the feeling of the place/experience/journey ie limited time restrictions and poor weather.
-Documented a variety of different places/features.

Use of secondary research?
-Visitor centre to find out more about the history of the routes surrounding Castleton. However felt I could have tried to find out more myths/legends rather than just historical information.
-Good that this was further elaborated upon through use of internet was trip was completed.
-Was definitely needed in regards to Odin's cave as locals and family didn't know much therefore in this case I was able to find out entirely new information not found on the initial trip.

Which themes/concepts/narratives have the most potential for further development?
-Historical route relating to life and death in the valley.
-Felt it could further explored through partaking in more trips to the area as well as talking to more people directly rather than just briefly at the pub.
-Liked the possible morbid overtones the story could have.

Next Steps/issues that need  resolving?
-Visit and document the route again.
-Focus on more specific aspects of the route within drawing and invest more time (weather permitting).
-Collect found objects, maps guides etc. as haven't done so on this first rip.

My Thoughts
For the most part I agreed with all the points above that were made during the peer review of our research. However there were some aspects I strongly disagree with.
I felt the historical route was perhaps a little dry mainly due to the fact it didn't contain the input of my own experience. This is due tot the fact that my overwhelming feelings from the trip were solitude and a sense of personal recovery in finally being away from the city. Whereas I felt that the facts about life and death with the area, both the transportation of coffins and working in the mills had community life and sense of duty/ritual obligation at the heart of them.

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