D and AD Edinburgh International
The Brief
The main aim of the brief was to create and app or video in conjunction with the BBC so as to better increase the awareness and participation within the Edinburgh International festivals. This is because being comprised of so many different festivals it has been hard to give the overall event a cohesive feel with festivals such as the Fringe and Military Tatoo taking centre stage.
Like a lot of the briefs this one wasn't asking for any specific visual responses but instead a general concept on how to improves participation at the event through the creation of an app. As stated before this was very outside of my usual way of working and I will admit the designer and other illustrator came up with the main ideas behind the concept.
In the end we decided to create one over arching app that would have links to all the other pages as well as maps and ticket resources so that you could view what eas on, wher eit was and how much it woul cost.
We also wanted to include a feature that would allow you to record and upload your experiences from the Edinburgh fringe so as entice other's to come. However it was pointed out in an initial crit that the logistics of this would be very hard to work out and that we would have to avoid a service which effectively live streamed the event given that this would reduce the incentive for people to actually come to the event.
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