Thursday 27 April 2017

Don't Look Now
Finished Artwork

Once I had got the overall aesthetic and feel for the characters sorted it was relatively straightforward to create a unified set of images given that I had already created a way of laying out the posters that the client was happy with.

The type and the poster I feel work really well together with the figure taking the main focus as intended whilst still leaving the posters very functional in terms of delivery of information.
The client was thrilled will the level of unity present throughout the body of work given that it is very clear looking from poster to poster that, despite containing a variety of different characters they all share the same over aesthetic and feel.

I then reformatted these images so as to be viewed on a variety of different online media. This is because the client uses a variety of different platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter as well as internet radio stations UkMondo and Melodic Distraction to promote their night.

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