Kurt Schwitters

Hannah Hoch

Given the clients desire to capture the chaos and rebelliousness of Dada art within the records artwork I felt a good place to start would be looking at the work of Kurt Schwitters. Despite being made up of a seemingly random collection of found images there is a real cohesion and energy to the work communicating strongly the artists anti establishment, particularly in terms of traditional art establishment, views.
The use of collage and particularly found imagery is something I am keen to focus on during this project as it seems like the most direct and in line way of responding to the clients guidelines for the briefs and will also allow me to push myself out of my usual methods of working and comfort zone. It also directly respond to the name of the label given that I will be 'subverting' and re appropriating other images and artwork.

However, despite being routed in this artwork, I also feel that the record will need a more contemporary feel to the aesthetic. Although a little dated now, I feel the work of Neville Brody who designed much of Caberet Voltaire's work is an example of taking this way of thinking as well as the process of using found imagery and giving it a more modern feel.
This is achieved through his use of more refined and considered compositional elements giving the chaos of the work a more ordered and controlled feel something that for me would again play into the name 'Subversive Compliance'.
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