Thursday 27 April 2017

Initial Ideas

As set out in my previous posts I begun my initial investigation by combining found imagery with solid shapes/elements. I wanted to give the impression of individuals being controlled by an ominous present so as to reflect the concept behind the label. However, although the client felt these initial ideas were within the right ball park he had wanted something more considered and bold.

With this feedback in mind I created the above series of more considered images in which I have thought more carefully about creating as sense of balance and cohesion within the images whilst still maintaining the rebellious feel within the initial artwork through the re appropriation of found images.

I also think the of bock areas as black as well as the uniform grid and line patterns has given the work a more sophisticated and contemporary feel whilst still retaining the initial reference towards Dada art. I think this has particularly helped the artwork reflect the music in question rather than just the name of the label.

Working on a live brief

This brief feels immediately different to the self directed ones I have previously undertaken as part of the course. This is due to the fact that having an actual client you are working for means that, although I am still the main source of ideas and proponent for the project there is a 3rd party giving more specific directions that I have to follow and respond to.

I think this will be a really rewarding brief although at times I feel like it may get difficult due to the fact that at this stage most of the communication has been over email which sometimes slows down the process of ideas generation given that I have had to send responses and wait for replies clarifying what it is specifically that the client wants.

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