Thursday 27 April 2017

D and AD Edinburgh International Festival
Working as Part of a Group

I found the process of working within a group quite challenging given that I am naturally quite shy and un assured of myself. Although working at a design studio over the summers has helped this, there I have quite strong direction which I think I respond well to where as within college group work it required individuals to be more assertive which is something I am not very good at.

Therefore I can see how this module should have been very constructive for my over all practice and although I think our group did work well together I took something of a back seat and was just happy to complete what I was told to do.

Although others in the group definately pulled their weight more than me I definately think communication could have been improved by more regual meet up rather than simply communicating via messenger. This resulted us working mainly in solitary and only meeting up face to face to discuss what we had already done. his slowed the process of both ideas and image development down a lot. In particular I feel in hindsight I needed  to communicate better with the other illustrator so as to create a more unified set of illustrate

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