Thursday 27 April 2017

Subversive Compliance
Sudden Change In Direction: Beezledubs

After the Christmas break there was a sudden and immediate change to the project. Having talked with the artists present on the record over the holidays the client decided last minute (roughly a week before print) to change the name and concept of the record label.

This meant I was left with very little time to respond to the new brief with only a few days turn around time to create some finished art work.

The main concept of the label now was, given the name, to reference the occult, in particular the Dicctionaire Infernal and the demon Beezlebub aka The Lord of the Flies.

Thankfully the client still wanted a predominately found image/collage based response although said I was free to draw out more graphic/shape based character work as well.

I initially drew out these characters as, given the feedback on the subversive compliance record, I wanted to create something more playful but that still reflected the occult themes out lined by the client. Although he actually really liked these images he now specifically asked for a flie figure so as to directly communicate the label name and concept.

Aso there were some concerns of how well they would scale down to format so when drawing out the fly characters I decided to rough to scale and format.

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