For their promotional material they client was keen for the aesthetic and layout to be clean and simple yet still reflect the energy of the music/night.
These posters for divided love focus on trying to communicate the dynamic of the spaces and music of the clubs it takes place at rather than, despite being run by international DJ Daniel Avery, the DJs paying at it.
Therefore I felt a similar approach would be best when tackling this brief. When discussing these ideas with the client they were very keen for me to develop work along this line of thinking, however int terms of the specific reference they liked the simplicity of the layout but wanted me to avoid pursuing similar 'played out' electronic music cliches stating that the posters were perhaps a bit too bland and wanted something more dynamic.
Divided Love
Therefore I began looking at other contemporary poster with a similar simplicity in layout and typesetting but with more dynamic and exciting images taking centre focus.

Oval Space and Pickle Factory
Immediately I the work of classic designers such as Shigeo Fukuda and Saul bass also sprung to mind. This is because their is real considered and effective simplicity to the layouts of their posters that looks and feels very contemporary despite being created decades ago. Both also couple this with clever dynamic images which concisely communicate complex themes resulting in very memorable and rimless imagery.
Shigeo Fukuda Saul Bass
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