Thursday 27 April 2017

Mock Ups

Mock ups of final cover and label designs including my favourite imagery and those decided on mutually.

Printed at format I think from the mock ups the designs will be very effective. The simplicity and space present within the composition combined with a sense of chaos and movement within in both mock ups gives a really dynamic feel to the artwork.

Furthermore I feel both effectively communicate both feel of the music and anti fascist, rebellious concept behind the name subversive compliance. My only issue at this stage is that they are perhaps not as playful, particularly the top one as the client had originally hoped, however he was happy to go with the artwork of the bottom image.

Are also think that they work well in terms of format and context. This is because they will be able to be produced cheaply given that they are monochromatic yet also are eye catching and dynamic enough when printed at scale to entice buyers and stand out from other records.

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