Thursday 27 April 2017

D and AD Edinburgh International Festival
My Contribution

Me and the other illustrator were tasked with creating the designs for the individual app icons. Essentially this became more of a design job than illustration which resulted in my first set of images looking a to cleaner and more 'corporate' than the other illustrator's work.

This was highlighted in a group crit and so as to rectify this I then added in characters given that they were present in all of the other illustrators contributions. I also hand drew some parts to give them a more playful feel so as to further bring them in line with other images.

As stated before I think I really let this brief down by not being assertive or communicating the other illustrator as much as I should which resulted in a  set of images that weren't fully cohesive, an issue that was only rectified by a rather lazy approach from me of adding in some characters last minute.
These issues were further exaggerated by my ongoing absence during the last two weeks due to illness.

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