Thursday 27 April 2017

YCN Roald Dahl

For my final individual brief I decided to complete the YCN Roald Dahl literary estate brief given that it would allow me to further develop and refine the process of creating dramatic, scenic images that I had been creating in 504 but had moved away from in my other two responsive briefs.

The Brief

Illustrate iconic scenes and characters from Roald Dahl's children's stories. Any styles are welcome but they need to be adventurous and dynamic so as to appeal to the target audience of 5-11 year olds.

They need to be particularly striking so as capture the younger generations, who have grown up surrounded by technology,  love for reading

This brief particularly appealed to me given that my aesthetic and way of working is very far removed from the work of Quetin Blake which you would usually associate with Roald Dahl. I think this will work in my favour in that it will help me translate Dahl's work visually in a way that is both my own and stands out from the other submissions.

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