Wednesday 20 April 2016

Artist Studies; How can I adapt my own practice to effectively tackle the brief and subject matter?

Given the problems with my initial drawings and thoughts towards how I could use much simpler elements repeated to crate hypnotic compositions I have found myself gravitating towards the work of practitioners who employ similar principles in there work.

The work of both Adam Johnson and Mila Favre is incredibly striking due to both its simplicity as well as use of repeated elements that are placed in a very considered almost mathematical manner within the compositions. They both demonstrate how playing in to the vector format by creating simplistic, bold, predominantly shape based imagery can result in incredibly powerful and striking images.

Johnson's work often depicts much more sober subject matter which would seem to relate a lot more to the work I am trying to produce for this brief where as Favre's has a much more playful and far out nature to it reminiscent of the work of graphic designer Shigeo Fukuda. Although I would like to pursue the aesthetic and visual motifs of the latter two's work I don't think it necessarily fits the brief or subject matter. This is an example that, although this module is also about self direction and developing an individual practice, you still have to bear in mind the set briefs and whether or not the images you want to create are appropriate to solving them.

100 Best Dresseddrawing.lo.jpg
Adrian Johnson

Malika Favre

Shigeo Fukuda

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