Wednesday 20 April 2016

Greeting From: Initial Thoughts

After been given this new brief I can see that, despite seeming a lot more straight forward than visual narratives, this module is once again about generating you're own content weather it be through playful and imaginative character design/development or more grounded factual research which will be required for Greetings From. This highlights how generating content through you're own means is essential if you want to succeed as an illustrator.

However despite these similarities this brief seems dramatically different from I See Faces in the requirement for all final work to be comprised exclusively from vectors means that there are a lot of ingrained restrictions to how we develop our work in response to this task. Therefore this brief seems to be a lot more about visual problem solving and selecting the appropriate approaches to image making that will translate best to vectors whilst still retaining enough information to communicate our intent.

To help ease into this still method of thinking/image making we were tasked with drawing an object and gradually de-constructing/simplifying it the intention being to try and reduce the image down to as few elements as possible whilst still being able to recognise what it is. In the above images of lava lamps you can see how the much simpler images on the bottom row are a lot more immediate and memorable despite their lack of detail. I will make sure to bear this in mind when create images in response to this brief. 

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