Wednesday 20 April 2016

Final Outcome: Xiamen

With the problems faced during my previous image I decided to keep things as simple as possible with my initial roughs creating two designs comprised of singular workers that would then be repeated into a vanishing point so as, much like with my previous image, give the illusion of a vast work force.

I decided to go with the left hand image due to its inclusion of a simple facial profile which I thought would create a much more interesting image, particularly when contrasted with the hard, angular aesthetic of my Greetings From: Kobe image.

Straight away I found when converting this design into vectors it transferred a lot better over a lot better. As stated previously I think this is in part due to the use of varied edges/inclusion of curves which create much more interesting and dynamic images. Furthermore I think the use of colour adds another level of depth to the image. The chosen palette feels very cynical  due to how minimal it is which reflects the work of the factories yet the inclusion of an alternate colour on the electronic elements adds a certain flare/accent to the over all composition. 

I much prefer this to my previous finished image due to the fact that, as stated above, the variation in shapes as well as colour pallet makes it a lot more dynamic yet as the same time, the inclusion of a block of dark colour in the left hand colour gives it a certain balance and grounding I felt was missing in the steel works image.

However despite this there are still some issue with it. Mainly that I feel both the hands and the electronic elements could have been a lot more reduction in terms of the shapes used to make them. As stated in my previous post I found that less anchor points results in tidier and more pleasing results something which I don't think is true of the the stated elements in the above image.

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