Wednesday 20 April 2016

Final Crit/Thoughts On this Brief.

The final crit for this was silent by which I meant we weren't allowed to talk about our work to others but instead had to walk about and comment on what we felt was being communicated by others work.

I think that I did manage to successfully communicate my intent through the set of images produced for this brief. This is because from the comment left on my work it was clear that it was about industry, production with with a few even speculating it was about consumerism and globalisation. However the latter comment only appeared a few time meaning it wasn't as overly obvious.

Visually there seemed to be an over whelming agreement that the use of repeated elements reinforced the intended message of the work due to the mechanical and homogeneous aesthetic they resulted in. Furthermore most thought the sense of movement as well as use of perspectives and repeated elelemtns to give the images a vast infinity feel resulted in visually pleasing and engaging images.

On the flip side to all this was the unanimous agreement amongst the comments left that the image of the ship, like I had previously stated, didn't fit with the set. Given that this brief was about creating a series of visually consistent images that successfully communicate an idea I can't say that a 100 percent answered this brief.

This is very frustrating given hat all my images successfully communicate my intent yet only the first three have a clear visual consistency. This is further highlighted by the fact that, although I really hate the image and do not plan on submitting it as one of the final four, when you replace the boat image with my first steel works image, despite its confused composition it still works better as a set due to its use of repetition and inclusion of a vanishing point.

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