Wednesday 20 April 2016

Further Visual Development: Ship Building

After looking at various images of shipbuilding, those within Burtynskys China were particularly useful, The thing that struck me the most was the various different states of construction they go through with a few distinct stages. I was particularly drawn to the skeletal forms on display during the initial stages of the building process. Subsequently I decided to created a series of images depicting these various stages of construction.

I think the reason the half built 'skeleton' ships seem so interesting is the variety of shapes on display combined with how they interact with the negative space around them. In contrast the more complete ships seem a lot more flat and boring, much of the interest of these images is through the various textures of the hulls something which I realise would be lost when create in vector form.

In contrast to my previous brief, apart from my initial drawings, I have been a lot less experimental with media use sticking almost exclusively to posca pens. This is because, given that all my final results will be created as vectors I feel the control they give me as well as bold, vibrant and simple aesthetic they produce helps me to visual the best how my drawings will translate to vector form.

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