Tuesday 5 April 2016

Final Outcome: Digital Gif 

After deciding to go with the looping head idea I had previously tested as a gif I briefly tried a few alternative more complex designs for the face. However in the end I felt keeping it as simple and graphic as possible would be best so I decided to base it off of the plain emotionless faces I had previously given my priest characters.

As previously suggested I decided to make the frame in Adobe Illustrator as I felt this would give more the more cynical, clean, graphic feel I wanted from my final out come. I then took these into Photoshop and, given the issues with the test, added more frame than previously used so as to make the final outcome much smoother in its animation.

Although it is perhaps a bit boring in terms of character design, especially considering the various bizarre characters I have come up with this project, I am really happy with the overall result due to the looping element of the image. I think the illusion I wanted to create has worked to the standard I desired and that, after adding more frame sit has a nice pacing. This comes in the form of the 3 key moments present in the animation: the head appearing/raising, the head blinking in full view and finally the head disappearing off screen.

I think my only major fault would be not in some form of strong, block colour black shape/element to the image so as to give the final result some more balance within the space of the frame.

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