Tuesday 5 April 2016

Final Outcome: 3D Gif

Although initially I thought the 3D gif was going to be the hardest one for me to tackle given that in the past 3D craft has usually been my downfall after developing in-depth the apprehensive character I had a pretty clear idea of what I was going to do. Given his simplicity I figured out of everything I had produced up until this point he would transfer best in to 3D form and so I decided to create a model of him out of plaster scene with a focus on trying to create simple but well crafted shapes.

As with the looping head image I create earlier I wanted produce something else that also involved a clever continuous loop involving some sort of optical illusion. Therefore, given his fearful expression, I decided to create a I simple loop of the character splitting in two in a form of mitosis reproductive routine.

Despite the simplicity of the idea it actually proved to be very time consuming as it involved making a series of duplicates each showing a different point in the character splitting from one into two. Therefore I had to be careful to craft each new model as closely as possible to the original so that it would appearing that original was actually splitting rather than being replaced by new models. On top of this, to make the illusion fully complete, Finally had to carefully position my models and have the one on the left subtly return from the edge of the screen back into the centre so as to create the illusion that the camera was panning left, despite it being stationary, so as to capture on film the never ending line of clones.

I was much happier with this gif than than the analogue one for a variety of reasons. Firstly I think the level of craft, both in terms of the actual 3D models, as well as the actual character design is much higher. The simplicity of the design transitioned much better to the gift format and coupled with the cloning illusion I feel I managed to successfully create has resulted in something both memorable and mesmerising. This last point is particularly potent as I feel it is evidence that I have achieved with this gift both my personal goals set out at the start as well as what was required from the task.

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