Wednesday 20 April 2016

Final Outcome: Dhaka

In contrast to the last image I think this is by far my favourite and most successful image of the set. It makes use of the infinity feel through use of repeats so visually is consistent with my first two images. However I feel it is a lot more dynamic than both of them due to the face that the basic element that is repeated is drawn from a more interesting perspective, both top and down and angled, so that the repetition occupies a much more obviously three dimensional space.

Also the basic shapes used are a lot much simple than those used to create the textiles image as, like discussed in my previous post, I felt that certain aspects such as hands and the elements the figure were working on need to be much simpler. Resolving these issues has resulted in a much more pleasing and memorable final out come.

Finally I think out of all my images it has the most balance both in terms of colour and general composition. This is is due tot the the frame being divided into 3 clear lines of workers. Your eyes focus is drawn to the central diagonal of the image that runs from bottom left to top right of the image. This is due to the fact that for the most part the top and bottom line of workers are cropped from the image. This gives the image a much more energetic composition as well as adding to the illusion of a vast work force.

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